About Us » Uniform Policy

Uniform Policy



  • Shoes must be worn at all times. For safety reasons, students must wear closed-toe shoes with a back.
  • Hats and sunglasses may not be worn in the classroom, or inside any school building.
  • Clothes should be clean, neat and acceptable.

Primary & Intermediate Schools students are required to wear KAOL shirts every day.
Monday-Wednesday - KAOL polo or long sleeve uniform shirt is required
Thursday - KAOL polo, long sleeve, spirit, or school sport/club shirt

It is strongly recommended that parents label their child’s uniform clothing – particularly sweatshirts and jackets – so they
can be returned to the child if they are lost.

Students in grades Pre-8th are to wear dark solid blue, black, or gray jeans, shorts (appropriate length), skirts or jumpers. Athletic shorts and sweatpants may also be worn if they are the appropriate solid color blue, black or gray.

Pants must fit appropriately - During cooler weather, students may wear long-sleeved shirts under their uniform shirt, and tights or leggings. These items must be solid white, black, blue, red, or gray.

During cold weather, all students may wear a heavy coat over their uniform shirts when they are outside the classroom. Sweatshirts worn over Academy t-shirts must be Academy logo sweatshirts. Students in K-8th grades may only wear KAOL sweatshirts. Students may not bring blankets to school in place of a jacket.

Unacceptable clothing:

  • Unhemmed cut-offs, shorts w/split sides or short shorts.
  • Pants or shorts with holes
  • Patches, jewelry or printing emphasizing drugs, tobacco, alcohol, sex or profanity.
  • Baggy or oversized pants/jeans. Pants should be worn at the waist, with no undergarments visible, and no excessive or inappropriate holes.
  • Tight/stretch-fabric pants (i.e. Nike Pro, Spandex Shorts, or Spanx).


The principal will determine if a student is not in compliance with the uniform policy. Our uniform policy is designed to promote an effective learning climate, increase safety, foster student unity and pride, and eliminate label competition among students.